
Fall Prevention

Are You Afraid of Falling?

Our Fall Prevention Program in Taft Can Help!

Falling is not just about gravity—it’s about your stability, mobility, and independence. It’s a chilling reality that one in four Americans aged 65 or older falls each year. Falls can be life-altering, causing injuries that range from mild to severe, including fractures and head traumas. However, there’s a solution within reach. If you’ve been worrying about falling, our physical therapists in Taft can significantly help reduce your risk and improve your confidence.


Identifying if you’re at risk of falling is often more complex than it seems. Several tell-tale signs include the following:

  • Frequent stumbling or instability while walking.
  • A previous fall in the last year.
  • Difficulty getting up from a seated position.
  • Dizziness or balance issues, especially when standing up.
  • Chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or heart disease.
  • Taking multiple medications, which can sometimes cause dizziness or confusion.

Physical therapy is a proactive approach to fall prevention. At Smith Physical Therapy, our dedicated therapists utilize techniques and strategies proven to help strengthen your body, improve your balance, and increase your overall mobility. Participation in balance and strength training programs can reduce fall risk by up to 35% among adults aged 65 and older.

Through specific exercises and personalized training, we enhance your balance, increase lower body strength, and educate you about the potential hazards in your environment that could increase your fall risk.

Falling is not inevitable as you age. With the right support and resources, you can confidently live your life without worrying about falling.

Call 361-528-3018 today and let us help you live a safer, more confident life!

Common Fall Risk Factors

Falls can occur at any age, but they are especially common and dangerous among older adults in Taft, leading to a considerable number of injuries and a reduced quality of life. It’s crucial to understand the common fall risk factors, not only to prevent accidents but also to guide rehabilitation efforts when falls do occur.

There are several underlying risk factors that can contribute to falls. These include intrinsic factors such as muscle weakness, balance problems, poor vision, and medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or arthritis.

On the other hand, extrinsic factors include potential hazards in one’s environment, like poor lighting, uneven surfaces, or slippery floors. It is also worth noting the role of psycho-social factors like fear of falling, which may lead to decreased activity and subsequent physical decline.

Physical therapy plays a vital role in addressing these fall risks. Therapists can assess each individual’s risk factors and design a tailored exercise program to improve strength and balance, reduce fear, and enhance overall mobility. They may also provide valuable advice on modifying the environment to minimize hazards.

Our team of expert physical therapists in Taft can work closely with you or your loved ones to mitigate these risks and maintain a safe, independent lifestyle. With the right approach, falls can be effectively prevented or their impact significantly reduced.

Whether you or a loved one have experienced a fall or are concerned about the possibility of future falls, contact our team today to schedule an appointment!

What to expect from physical therapy and our fall prevention program in Taft

At Smith Physical Therapy, we believe in making every step count toward your safety and independence. Welcome to our comprehensive physical therapy and fall prevention program, a personalized approach designed to reduce fall risk, improve mobility, and enhance overall function.

Firstly, we start with an in-depth review of your medical history. This gives us crucial insight into any existing medical conditions, prior injuries, medications, and overall health status that could contribute to your fall risk.

Next, we proceed to specialized fall testing. Our physical therapists use standardized and research-backed tests to assess your fall risk. These tests help us identify any specific balance issues, muscle weakness, or mobility limitations that need to be addressed.

Balance and gait testing are integral parts of our evaluation. By examining how you walk and how well you maintain stability, we gain a thorough understanding of your physical abilities. With this, we can set precise, measurable goals for your therapy sessions and monitor your progress over time.

We incorporate a variety of methods to tackle fall prevention in Taft, including the following:

  • Therapeutic Exercises: Strength and balance training form the backbone of our fall prevention program. Regular and targeted exercises help increase muscle strength, improve coordination, and fine-tune balance, all reducing the risk of falls.
  • Gait Training: Gait and mobility training focuses on enhancing your walking, stride, and stability. Our therapists may use assistive devices initially to aid in balance and gradually wean off their usage as your strength and confidence grow.
  • Education: Environmental modification advice is a key component of our approach. We offer suggestions for making your home safer and minimizing fall risks, such as removing tripping hazards, improving lighting, and installing grab bars in necessary areas.

Trust us to guide you to better balance and fall prevention. Call 361-528-3018 today to schedule an appointment!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!